Share Laughter

“When life gives you leaves, make laughter.”

Welcome to The Godfidence Blog. We’ll redefine confidence culture and learn about who we are together. Journey with us!

A Little Story...

I haven’t shared much of my story here. I might start to do that more. Let’s see how that goes. 

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In October 2020 I was sick. The sickest I had ever been in my life. If you’re following my vlog you know that I had VSG surgery in September. If you’re not following, stop what you’re doing and SUBSCRIBE so you won't miss another video. The surgery went extremely well. I got home safely, incisions healed great, and my stitches were taken out properly. I expected to be a bit fatigued due to eating less and being a bit immobile.  I did NOT expect; however, to be extremely fatigued to the point where I could not walk up a flight of stairs, walk down the street, walk from my bed to my dresser, hold anything down, or even sleep well. 

I still went to work, interacted with friends, tried to run errands-- you know? Live my life. I kept a vomit cup with me everywhere I went. I never knew when something would pop off. (I literally cannot believe I was doing all of this--sick). Slowly but surely my body grew weaker. My mom and friends would visit and try to get me out of the house. I started to get winded from walking from my bed to my bedroom door. People would tell me that I had to fight through “laziness” and get up and walk. The truth is I wasn’t being lazy, it took everything in me to walk from my bed to the living room. I remember I called my dad, he asked how I was doing, and I told him that I didn't feel like myself. “I don’t feel funny” is what I told him.  That same day I attempted to do 20 minutes of walking in my room. We were supposed to do at least 20 minutes of walking each day. I set my stopwatch so that I’d know when I hit the 20 minute mark. I got to 7 minutes before breath completely left my body. I laid back down right away. I was terrified. I had no idea what was going on or what would happen. 

Shortly after, I got a visit from Tierra, Melody, and their anointing oil. They tore my room UP in prayer and literally held me as we cried together.

The next day, I woke up to vomit--per usual. I kept my vomit cup by my bed (don’t worry. I changed it out frequently). For some reason, I took my temperature--it was 104. I called Spectrum right away, CRIED telling them my symptoms (I mean slobbing, boohoo crying), they immediately told me to come into the hospital. She honestly suggested sending an ambulance--I gladly declined LOL. It was the bill for me. 

My best friend, Melody,  had been at my house every day. Doing the things that I did not have strength to do (cooking, laundry, cleaning, basic things that we take for granted sometimes). When I told her that I was instructed to go to Spectrum, she hopped up right away to take me. She told me that she had been praying and asking God to reveal to me that I needed to go into the hospital--she didn't want to impose. She drove me to the hospital (it seemed like it took 10 minutes to walk from my bed to her car), she parked at the hospital doors and requested a wheelchair for me. After they wheeled me in, and got back a negative COVID result, I was tested for a few things. I was told my kidneys had started failing, my blood pressure, potassium, and all other levels were low, and I was extremely dehydrated. My esophagus had started to swell shut (which is why I couldn't keep anything down) and I had gotten there just in time before things started to spiral completely down hill.

All in all, I had no doubt that God would see me through ALL of this.

If you know me, you know my faith is kind of unshakeable. My first instinct, receiving the news, was to cry--no doubt. Melody was there to hold my hand. All in all, I had no doubt that God would see me through ALL of this. The immediate questions were: How does God want to move?  How does He want to get the glory through this? And how long will He take? LOL

I ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days. Melody had a prayer call where K’Maia, Jalen, Alexcia, Mike, and Tierra, saturated me and my hospital room in prayer. Ma and Pop called for prayer, My Pastors called and texted prayers OFTEN. My church family really looked out with texting prayers, sending videos, and calls. My friends FaceTimed me often. My mom and sister came up to stay in my room to support what was happening. I’m not going to go into details about the labs and hospital tests. The end result is that after those 5 days, I was able to eat again AND keep liquids down. 

Through it all I learned the faithfulness of God. I learned the heart of God toward me. I learned the intentionality of God concerning my purpose and destiny. If you know me well, you know I spin MANY plates simultaneously all the time. I had been feeling like I needed to slow down for a while. Those five days I was forced to sit/slow down and notice the hand of God in my life. I share often that God demonstrates His love for me in the people He surrounds me with: friends, community, church, family, etc. This was a true testament of God noticing me, pouring out His love, and reminding me of His promises. He doesn't leave us, I am purposed for this time, I am loved, and I am important. 

God healed me from kidney failure, potential brain failure, fatigue, and so many other things happening that month. Above all He showed that He fights for those He loves. He showed that he has given me divine friendships and relationships that reflect His heart for me. Through it all, my testimony is God is faithful. And I am SO grateful. I can’t take this chance at life for granted. 

Through it all, my testimony is God is faithful.

Things to think about…

  • How has God shown His faithfulness to you in 2020 to now?

  • How does He demonstrate his love for you through the people around you?

Feelings + Facts!

He had the audacity....