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He had the audacity....

There’s a certain ferocity , or negative connotation, that comes with the use of the word audacity.

There’s a certain ferocity , or negative connotation, that comes with the use of the word audacity. “So and So had the audacity to tell me what I needed to do.” When in actuality, audacity, by its simplest definition is “a willingness to take bold risks”

Audacity, in its purest form, is rooted in confidence. The bible instructs us that our confidence, or faith in God, should come from things that we cannot physically see (walk by faith and not by sight). It goes on to say that we should be confident (or have the audacious faith to know) that He who began a good work in you is faithful and just to complete it. 

Audacity is having the surest confidence to stand on/step on/walk out what God has called you to do. I’m thinking about Peter in Matthew 14. He and the disciples were in a boat during a storm and saw what they thought was a ghost walking toward them (on the water). Jesus assured them that there was no need to fear and that the ghostly being they were seeing was in fact the Messiah. Peter asked, “Lord, if it is really you, allow me to meet you on the water.”

  1. He had the audacity to challenge his unbelief and wonder. When seeing Jesus walk on the water, Peter immediately had thoughts of doubt.  I can imagine him thinking, “I’m not sure what I’m seeing, but I KNOW Jesus wouldn't let me fall.” In the midst of his wonder, doubt, or unbelief, Peter was SURE of who Jesus was. Peter audaciously acted on what he KNEW to challenge his wonder. 

  2. He had the audacious faith to do something that had never been done before. To my knowledge, we don’t read in prior scriptures that water-walking was a common thing. Be comfortable going to uncharted territories. 

  3. His audacious faith left legacy. Peter’s confidence, faith-move, and boldness is still relevant to today and being taught all over. Imagine what your demonstration of audacity could do for future generations. 

Be encouraged in the completion of that idea. The different ideals, concepts, visions, dreams, businesses, etc, that we have on our hearts aren't there by happenstance or by any work of our own. Be encouraged in knowing that they are God-ideas that demand audacious faith. The idea you have could impact billions for a lifetime or thousands for a season (Matthew 14:30. I’m pretty sure Peter’s goal was to get TO Jesus. Even though he fell short, his act of audacity still left an imprint). The bottom line is that your audacity has impact.

Have the audacity to walk in the fullness of who God created you to be. The Bible tells us, in Romans 8, that creation is groaning in expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. The world is waiting in agony for you to have the audacity to be ALL of who you are.  I’m praying for your audacious faith to be ignited even as you read this. 

What do you think?

  1. What does audacity mean to you? What have been your interactions with that word?

  2. If your interactions have been negative, how can you change that narrative?

  3. In what areas are you now challenged to become audacious? 

Imagine what your demonstration of audacity could do for future generations. 
— Sharalle Richardson

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