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“When life gives you leaves, make laughter.”

Welcome to The Godfidence Blog. We’ll redefine confidence culture and learn about who we are together. Journey with us!

Snippets from my journal. . .

August 19, 2018

His plan is sovereign and is way better than mine.

Today I learned the importance of sending Judah first, praising through the process, and accepting Gods plan. In all reality, I’ve been in this process for what seems like ages. It caused me to go into a survivor mode: make it happen by any means necessary.

I learned that God’s plan looks differently than mine. I planned to be married, having a car, house, good credit, etc. While all these things are good and God wants all things good for me. His plan is sovereign and is way better than mine.

I understand that the strategy You have for me is different than the one I have for myself. The person that You have for me is different than the person I thought I’d be. The same goes for my job, friends, relationships, etc. I appreciate that and am ready to accept. I want the life You have for me the way You want me to have it—without my own manipulations. I trust that You are sovereign and that You have everything under control.

I appreciate the lesson you have for me in this season: I should be praising in the process AND that I should be yielded to You in every area. I trust You God.

The Church has left the building...

Believing -vs- Embracing