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“When life gives you leaves, make laughter.”

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Believing -vs- Embracing

Belief is unwavering faith based on evidential, biblical truths—embracing is that extra step.

At first glance the words belief and embrace seem like synonyms. In fact their definitions are close to identical. To believe is to “accept something as true or to feel sure of the truth;” while to embrace is to “accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.” The key difference between the two words is support. To support means to “bear all, or part, of the weight, hold up (carry); to keep upright (uphold).”

Belief is an unwavering faith based on evidential, biblical truths—embracing is that extra step of upholding righteousness. Embracing goes beyond being a Christian when it’s convenient, but even when it’s the unpopular opinion or choice. 

When I hear the words bear all or uphold, I think of the scripture that tells us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus speaks to His disciples about the sacrifice of becoming. You have to give up your own way and who you thought you were to fully embrace who God has called  you to be. You have to bear (or support) your new identity in all areas. You can’t compartmentalize who you are to make yourself (or others) comfortable. Growth occurs when there’s a disturbance--not in a comfortable state.

Embracing who God has called us requires us to let go of what makes us comfortable. 

She embraced who God said she was—that changed the game.

She embraced who God said she was—that changed the game.


What Do You Think?


  • Who has God called you?

  • What’s one way you can challenge your comfortability by embracing your identity?

Snippets from my journal. . .